
Revenge capitalism & the drug war

We speak with MAX HAIVEN, author of Revenge Capitalism, about the opioid crisis and its roots in neoliberal Empire and GARTH MULLINS, host of Crackdown podcast, about drug user-led resistance to the drug war.

Episode: 017 Revenge capitalism & the drug war
Date: 3 February 2021 | Length: 63:52
Bonus: Max Haiven on Empires of Pain: 8:14

Briefing Notes

Crackdown podcast: The drug war, covered by drug users as war correspondents
Haiven. Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts (Pluto Press 2020)
Empires of Pain: A story of racism, opioids and revenge

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